Are you ready for great things in 2010? You should be. If you’re a solo practitioner or have a small practice, 2010 can be your best year ever. Just make the decision and go for it. Where do you want to be a year from now? Wherever that is you need to start moving in that direction NOW. Begin what I call your “Journal of 3.” First, get clear about your 2010 goals. HINT: That means writing them down. Then, take a few minutes at the end of each day and write down 3 things you will do the next day to move you toward your goals. They can be small things, but they must be focused on the big picture!
Think about it. If you do just 3 things every day from now until the end of this year, you will have taken over 1,000 concrete steps toward your goals. I can promise you that if you take those steps, you’ll get to where you want to go. And if not, you will have made awesome progress.
Sometimes our goals can be overwhelming and we get bogged down and don’t move forward. Don’t let that happen to you! – Just 3 things a day. And begin to capture those action steps in whatever way works best for you – handwritten notes, Outlook, Excel. Make it a game and enjoy the process! Here’s to a great 2010!