
Who’s on your “Top 20” list?

April 11, 2007

Yourtop202 Do you know where your best clients come from? If you don’t, you owe it to yourself take some time to find out. Your “Top 20” List is made up of those people who refer you A & B clients on a consistent basis. Identifying these folks and building relationships with them is one of the greatest investments you can make in your law firm. (By the way, when I say “building relationships,” I mean just that. No “phony baloney” relationships, as my colleague Patrick Wilson likes to say.)

When you start to examine your referral sources, you may find that you have only a few referral sources who refer A & B clients to you on a consistent basis. That’s OK! Identify those people. Thank them! Ask them for their feedback on the service your firm provides. Listen. If they offer constructive criticism, just listen – don’t defend or explain. Then thank them again. I can promise you, there are very few attorneys asking how they can improve their service. You’ll put yourself way above the crowd by simply asking the question.

Build strong relationships with the best referral sources on your Top 20 List. Then, start adding to that list. More about that in a future post.

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