To borrow a phrase from Dorothy, “Toto, it’s not about work-life balance anymore.” It’s really all about work-life blending. The way of work for attorneys, as for other professionals, has changed profoundly in recent years. And the changes will just keep coming. The reality is that the gadgets that are touted to give us freedom have become invisible chains keeping us linked to the office 24/7.
The goal is to find a way to work that fits how and where you work best. If that means answering email from home first thing in the morning before you go for a run or a swim, just do it. Use technology to truly free yourself from the office. I know this is radical thinking for lawyers, but to borrow another phrase . . . “The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.” Take that step today. Start blending your work and your life into one harmonious whole.
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A Practice Daiquiri Anyone?
I have mimicked others and referred to the Third Wave practice of law and working at home as trying to achieve a work-life balance. But, when you think about it, that is not a proper description of what we are trying to do. Nora Riva Bergman of the blo…